Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dear John letter

What in the world happened to those good old fashioned "Dear John" letters that a fed up, level headed, respected woman would write to her cheating lover. Since when did we as women, give up our self respect and confidence and let our skanky husbands, boyfriends or lovers back into our lives. Sure we all believe they've changed, they won't do it again, it was a one time mistake, and so on and so on and so on. NEWS FLASH LADIES, it wasn't a one time thing, they haven't changed and they WILL do it again. Have we not learned ANYTHING from our past? Did the women before us who fought so hard for our rights not prove to us that we deserve MORE? It's a mans world, we know this with out a doubt, but we don't have to play by their rules. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Guys don't think with their hearts, so why do we? If everything is telling you this is wrong, why are you looking at a muscle in your chest for guidance? What if that muscle could talk, could do more than just pump blood through your body? Do you think it would still be telling you to jump back into the arms of a person who fucked you over so royally?

it wouldn't.

I'm disgusted with the way that relationships are for the women and men in my generation. We're intrigued by the men who talk down to us, the cheaters are the most desired and the sincere and nice guys... well... they're our "best friends." I'm not perfect, I've dated one of the most disrespectful human beings I've ever come across, but the biggest difference between me and the loved ones I'm writing to, I've learned.

She hasn't.

So all I'm saying is, get your head on straight.....

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